Green Schools
Green Schools Code
If you don’t play your part
Saving the planet will not start
To date we have earned 5 Green Flags.
- Litter and Waste
- Water
- Energy
- Travel
- Biodiversity
We are excited to be starting the journey of our 6th flag this year – Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste.
In order to uphold our current flags we have monitors who check the following on a daily basis:
- Waste and bins
- Windows
- Doors
- Lights
- Taps
- Lunch Boxes
Bike Week
Every year we undertake ‘Bike Week’ which the children love. Last year it was a huge success with having children from every class making the effort to cycle to school and take part in bicycle activities. We had a high of 62 pupils from 89 cycling to school.
Daily Mile
Each day classes run the daily mile and we actively encourage children to walk/cycle/scoot to school when possible and safe to do so.
Our new Irish Wildlife Pictures hanging in our corridors
National Tree Day
We marked National Tree Day by planting an Oak Tree on the grounds of the school from little acorns. We have planted new trees and we are taking part in ‘The Great Plant Hunt’ programme. We are learning a lot about our native trees, plants and animals.
Heritage Workshop – How to Protect Irish Birds of Prey
All the children of the school enjoyed a very informative workshop by Heritage in Schools heritage officer Tony Kenneally. They learned all about Irish birds of prey, garden birds, bird feeders and bird boxes.
Bird Boxes
We have built some fabulous bird boxes for our little friends to enjoy.
The Big Grow
Classes have undertaken ‘The Big Grow’ where they have planted and cared for their own seeds and learned about sustainability.
Our School Garden
Some produce from our school garden.
Wildflower Garden
The children of the school are actively taking care of our school garden and playground. As part of our Action Week for the Biodiversity flag the children of CTRNS planted a beautiful wildflower garden. Each class took responsibility for planting a section of the wildflowers. The wildflowers bloomed during the summer months and it was fabulous to see the bees, birds and insects enjoying our efforts. The children of 5th and 6th have gathered the wildflower seeds and we are ready to go again for next year.
Collecting seeds and getting ready for our wildflower garden next year
Bug Hotel
The students of CTRNS built a ‘Bug Hotel’ which is being enjoyed by lots of different types of minibeasts and insects. Minibeasts can use our bug hotel as a safe space to call home, lay their eggs, raise their young, and seek protection from predators.

Biodiversity Code and Poem Pictures
Our Green Schools Poem
Each person can conserve energy
Assisting in perfecting our planet
Reducing, reusing, recycling
Together we can save the Earth
Helping to heal our world
The Earth is our home
So blue and so green
So let’s do our part
To keep the Earth clean
This old Earth needs our help to stay fresh, clean and green
With a pick up, pinch it and throw it in a can
This old Earth needs a helping hand!
Plastic Free 4 Schools Initiative
We were one of 100 Cork Primary Schools to be selected for the Plastic Free 4 Schools initiative.
Clean Coasts Ballynamona
We undertook a beach clean with Ballynamona Clean Coasts Environmental Group which was really educational and rewarding.