Coiste Gaelach

The pupils and teachers of Castletownroche N.S. make a phenomenal effort to embrace and celebrate our National Language – Gaeilge. This hasn’t happened by fluke however and much of the credit must go to our newly established Irish Committee or Coiste Gaelach. The members include Fionn, Josh, JJ and Alex. Maith sibh!

Each week, the committee busily introduces pupils of the school to new Irish Phrases which the children practice throughout the day. Not only that but they organise for the announcing of our weekly Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine or Irish Speakers of the week from each class and announce the winners over the intercom. The winners are treated to either an Animal Bar or Fredo from the local Downey’s Spar for their efforts and get to participate in reward activities such as Cake Baking or Pizza Making in our school pizza oven.


The coiste can also be credited for our Laethanta Iomlán Gaelach where the kids participate in activities throughout the day as Gaeilge, just like a pop-up Gaeltacht. This happens three times a year or once per term. Great fun is had by all and this helps foster a positive attitude towards the learning of Gaeilge.