Welcome to Ms. Keating's 3rd & 4th Class Page


The boys and girls have really enjoyed using the chromebooks in class. Their favourite activities include Dance Mat Typing and Spellings for Me. They are really looking forward to researching their own projects and presenting to the class. Each child from third class has a buddy from fourth class and this has worked very well. They love helping each other!


The children have been learning all about procedural writing this month. We have been focusing on the following elements; purpose, layout, command verbs and evaluation. The boys and girls decided that it would be a good idea to write our own recipe for Rocky Road and follow it step by step. Thankfully, we created a very delicious recipe that everyone enjoyed!


The children from third and fourth class have been busy practicing their GAA skills. The have been partaking in a GAA workshop once a week. So far, they have been focusing on the following skills; handpassing, kicking, soloing and shooting. Teamwork has been a big focus and it has been lovely to watch everyone get involved!


 When the children were asked about their favourite activities so far this year, a number of them mentioned art. We have been focusing on the units of drawing and print. One girl said she likes how “relaxing” art is while another said it makes them feel “happy”. Their favourite art lesson so far has been the Halloween silhouette cat art and the all about me backpacks


Every Friday, the boys and girls in third and fourth class have a quiz. Sometimes they work in pairs while other times, the work in small groups. The children have also prepared their own quiz questions and have had lots of fun testing their classmates. Their favourite quiz is Terminator. This is like a game of knock out where all the children begin standing around the classroom. If a child answers a question correctly, they get to take a step. If they can reach one of their classmates, they touch them and knock them out of the game. The last child standing is the winner! It is always one of our highlights of the week.


over and look around.

 If you are interested in enrolling your child in CTRNS please call or email the school to make an appointment. We are more than happy to meet with you  to answer any questions you may have or you may just want to come and take a look around our school.