1st & 2nd Class
What a great start to the school year in 1st & 2nd Class. The children have been very busy and having lots of fun so far!
Outdoor Fun
1st and 2nd class started off their year with lots of sunshine and fun lessons both indoors and outdoors. The children explored the school grounds and collected some soil for a science experiment. The science experiment explored how air is present in soil. The children poured water into the soil they collected and watched how the air that was trapped in the soil escaped in the form of bubbles! 1st and 2nd class became astronauts when they explored all about space and how a Rocketship works. They made their own Rocketship’s and flew them all around the school.
Playground Games
The children in 1st and 2nd class would like to thank the children in 5th and 6th class for teaching them how to play the new playground games and activities. It was great to learn all about them as they can be played every day.
Hands – On Learning
Hands-on learning is so important and makes learning so much fun! The children made shapes in maths using uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows as they learned all about the different shapes and where the sides and corners are. They became archaeologists as they dug in the sand trying to find buried ‘old artefacts’ and took a step back in time to record what they found using a feather quill and ink!
The children are great gardeners as they help out in the school greenhouse ensuring the plants are cared for. The gardening then came into the classroom when the children planted various seeds in their personalised flower pots.

Amazing Artists
Autumn was the season of colour and art in 1st & 2nd class. They used a lot of materials during their art lessons and a lot of artistic styles, such as abstract art, collage, line drawings, sketches, colouring and painting. The sunshine came out for us again and the children made the school yard a lot more colourful by drawing some amazing things with chalk.
On the 26/10/24 it was SNA Appreciation Day where 1st and 2nd class made beautiful cards for the wonderful SNAs in our school and class. There were several birthday celebrations in our class this September and October. The importance of our Irish language, Gaeilge was widely celebrated throughout the last few months. When the children tried their best to speak Gaeilge throughout the week they were rewarded with Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine which was very exciting! “Tír Gan Teanga, Tír Gan Anam”
The GAA training in school definitely supported 1st & 2nd Class as they made us so proud at the 6 a side football blitz on 15/10/24 in the Mallow GAA Sports Complex. It was a rainy day for the blitz but that did not stop them! They won all their matches and their efforts were amazing as always!
over and look around.
If you are interested in enrolling your child in CTRNS please call or email the school to make an appointment. We are more than happy to meet with you to answer any questions you may have or you may just want to come and take a look around our school.